Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I'm diggin' my weekly horoscope this week from astrostyle.

Your ruling planet Uranus goes direct this week after a five month retrograde through your income sector. If your finances or job security have been erratic this year, expect to feel a profound sense of peace now. You may not actually know where you're heading, but you'll finally have a clear idea of what to aim for. It's likely to be a pursuit with a lot more spirituality or world-changing energy to it. Chalk this up to Pluto, which moves into your magical, mystical twelfth house on Thursday. This phase last for sixteen years, reshaping the way you view life in a major way. It's time to bring a deeper dimension to all that you do. You may work more behind-the-scenes than you have for a while; or, you may become known worldwide for one of your inspirational creative talents. If you're not touching people with your work, it simply won't feel worth it. Thursday also features a new moon in Sagittarius, your house of teamwork. A fresh round of friends and collaborators are set to enter your world. There will be lots of laughter mixed in with the inspiration, so expect to have a good time joining forces with these folks.

(pic from geocities.com/wilsontctc)

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