Monday, December 1, 2008

She's Not There

One of the most underrated, bordering on criminally so, bands is The Zombies. I have been on a huge Zombies kick lately, and it got me scratching my head over why they aren't more popular.

Sure, they had Time of the Season (which wasn't even popular until after they broke up.) I'd hope most people would have an appreciation for that quintessential Sixties tune, even if they didn't know the band behind it. However, they've recorded many more songs that I think are even better at capturing that certain "Zombies" mood.

This Will Be Our Year- I honestly think this is one of the sweetest songs ever written. The vocals and melody just blend seamlessly. If (and this is a big if) I ever get married, I would want my first dance with my husband to be this. Case closed.

The Way I Feel Inside- Simple and raw. I loved how Wes Anderson used it in The Life Aquatic. Everyone has related to these lyrics at one point or another.

Other Notables.....

Care of Cell 44
- I drove my roommate nuts playing this over & over this past spring semester. "Bum bum bum bum bum... FEEEELS SO GOOD"

Hung Up On A Dream
Well I remember yesterday
Just drifting slowly through a crowded street
With neon darkness shimmering through the haze
A sea of faces rippling in the heat
And from that nameless changing crowd
A sweet vibration seemed to fill the air
I stood astounded staring hard
At men with flowers resting in their hair...

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