Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fave-Rave Word of the Day #005

to receive into the mind and retain; drink to take in or up.....

What would be my choice beverage to imbibe, you ask?

harvey wallbanger!

A Harvey Wallbanger, bien sûr!

Wikipedia says....

The Harvey Wallbanger is an alcoholic beverage or cocktail made with vodka, Galliano, and orange juice.

The Harvey Wallbanger was invented in 1952 by three-times world champion mixologistCarlo Lanzillotti. Legend has it that the drink was named after a Manhattan Beach surfer. The drink has also been attributed to Bill Doner, bartender at The Office in Newport Beach, CA, and Robert Pratt, bartender at the Arlberg Chalet in Mammoth Lake, CA. The drink was little known outside of California until 1970, when it became briefly popular due to being featured as a cocktail on TWA flights.

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